
La verdad es la idea, decia Platón. Aristotele afirmaba que era la forma que se halla oculta tras el velo de la apariencia. Por Cuba y Para Cuba busca solamente la libertad en la palabra, no la libertad de palabras donde la ocultan los sofistas y, como no, los filosofos del infinito. La verdad se divide, se multiplica y se suma ella misma.
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Glenn Beck al dia

Koestler, parabola del disidente.

Glenn Beck al dia

Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Oficina del Censo le proporciona a Florida los totales de población en el Censo del 2010, incluyendo los primeros datos de raza y origen hispano para

Sunday, March 27, 2011
Felix Sarda: Paradojas para Cuba

Hace veinte an`os me encontre en la Internet con un libro escrito a finales
del siglo antepasado por un sacerdote espan`ol titulado "El liberalismo es un
pecado". Hoy, Por Cuba y Para Cuba, dedica este capitulo de la su obra a
aquellos cubanos que aun continuan embaucados por los que ponen la mentira al
servicio de la justicia.
Este sabio consejo de Felix Sarda nos sirve de ejemplo a todos, inclusive a los miembros de la Iglesia Catolica en Cuba, quienes han sido victimas del error que advierte este excelente intelectual del siglo XIX.
La verdad no es relativa a nada que no sea ella misma y me complace ver que
siempre he actuado con este principio, tal vez, no!, seguro que es por el unico
temor del cual nunca me despojare, y es el temor a Dios que todo lo sabe, de la
misma forma que el hombre sabe muchas de esas cosas. Lean el libro completo y
saldran con una mejor estrategia para combatir a los arqueros y los canoneros
del engendro castrista. Nadie esta excento, eso si, sin salirse un punto de la verdad,como dice Sarda.
"Y no obstante no tienen razón; no, no la tienen. Las ideas malas han de ser combatidas y desautorizadas, se las ha de hacer aborrecibles y despreciables y detestables a la multitud, a la que intentan embaucar y seducir. Mas da la casualidad de que las ideas no se sostienen por sí propias en el aire, ni por sí propias se difunden y propagan, ni por sí propias hacen todo el daño a la sociedad. Son como las flechas y balas que a nadie herirían si no hubiese quien las disparase con el arco o con el fusil.
Al arquero y al fusilero se deben dirigir, pues, primeramente los tiros del que desee destruir su mortal puntería, y todo otro modo de hacer la guerra sería tan liberal como se quisiese, pero no tendría sentido común. Soldados con armas de envenenados proyectiles son los autores y propagandistas de heréticas doctrinas; sus armas son el libro, el periódico, la arenga pública, la influencia personal. No basta, pues, ladearse para evitar el tiro, no; lo primero y más eficaz es dejar inhabilitado al tirador. Así, conviene desautorizar y desacreditar su libro, periódico o discurso; y no sólo esto, sino desautorizar y desacreditar en algunos casos su persona. Sí, su persona, que este es el elemento principal del combate, como el artillero es el elemento principal de la artillería, no la bomba, ni la pólvora, ni el cañón. Se le pueden, pues, en ciertos casos sacar en público sus infamias, ridiculizar sus costumbres, cubrir de ignominia su nombre y apellido Sí, señor; y se puede hacer en prosa, en verso, en serio y en broma, en grabado y por todas las artes y por todos los procedimientos que en adelante se puedan inventor. Sólo debe tenerse en cuenta que no se ponga en servicio de la justicia la mentira. Eso no; nadie en esto se salga un punto de la verdad, pero dentro de los límites de ésta, recuérdese aquel dicho de Crétineau-Joly: La verdad es la única caridad permitida a la historia; y podría añadir: La defensa religiosa y social.Los mismos Santos Padres que hemos citado prueban esta tesis. Aún los títulos de sus obras dicen claramente que, al combatir las herejías, el primer tiro procuraban dirigirlo a los heresiarcas Casi todos los títulos de las obras de San Agustín se dirigen al nombre del autor de la herejía: Contra Fortunatum manichoeum; Adversus Adamanctum; Contra Felicem; Contra Secundinum; Quis fuerit Petilianus; De gestis Pelagii; Quis fuerit Julianus, etc. De suerte que casi toda la polémica del grande Agustín fue personal, agresiva, biográfica, por decirlo así, tanto como doctrinal; cuerpo a cuerpo con el hereje tanto como contra la herejía. Y así podríamos decir de todos los Santos Padres.¿De dónde ha sacado, pues, el Liberalismo la novedad de que al combatir los errores se debe prescindir de las personas, y aun mimarlas y acariciarlas? Aténgase a lo que le enseña sobre esto la tradición cristiana, y déjenos a los ultramontanos defender la fe como se ha defendido siempre en la Iglesia de Dios. ¡Que hiera la espada del polemista católico, que hiera y que vaya derecha al corazón; que esta es la única manera real y eficaz de combatir! . "
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Sabina descubre ahora "el fracaso historico de la dictadura cubana"

El cantautor ya no quiere defender a Zapatero, y tampoco a la revolución cubana; dos de sus signos de identidad.
Lo mismo ocurre con el tema cubano. El que fuera defensor a ultranza de la ‘revolución cubana’ y admirador confeso del Che Guevara comienza a despertar a la realidad. Ya lo dijo en Público, donde tiene una columna dominical, y ahora lo confirma, precisamente, en un diario cubano.
Con motivo de su concierto en la isla, concede una entrevista a El Nuevo Herald, donde expresa sin rubor su cambio de planteamiento: "Yo amo mucho la isla, menos que los exiliados cubanos que la aman más que yo, pero la amo mucho y vivo todas las contradicciones que vive esa isla, que últimamente está siendo algo muy parecido a un tremendo fracaso histórico", asegura.
Después de su concierto allí, dará otro en Miami, donde vive la colonia de anticastrismo más importante y combativa, precisamente porque está conformada por exiliados cubanos que huyeron de la dictadura. Sabina sabe que acudirá a un terreno hostil, como le ha ocurrido en otras ocasiones: "Vamos con mucha adrenalina y entusiasmo, con ganas de dar un concierto que sea una panorámica de nuestro trabajo y sabiendo que va a haber un grupo de cubanos con pancartas en la puerta''. Según cuenta, no es la primera vez que le ocurre, ya que las ocho o diez visitas a la isla era tratado como "un turista privilegiado y no como un cubano que sufriera y soportara la dictadura cubana''. Sabina habla ya de "dictadura".
"Ahora hace mucho que no voy a Cuba porque me sentiría muy triste. Leo los periódicos, hablo con gente y sé lo que está pasando y sé que el país está en bancarrota'' confiesa. Se desconoce si, en las dos ocasiones en las que se reunió con Fidel Castro, le transmitió el mismo pesar.
Sabina explica este tardío cambio de parecer porque: "La gente de izquierda en España y en Europa nunca compartimos nada de lo que pasaba detrás del muro de Berlín, porque lo considerábamos un horror. La revolución de nuestra juventud fue la cubana, y hemos vivido eso como una emoción y también como una tragedia desgarradora durante muchos años''.
Monday, March 21, 2011
\Exclusivo de Nueva Accion

Mañana, en el juicio que se le sigue a Luis Posada Carriles, en el Paso, Texas, la defensa de éste tendrá la oportunidad de presentar a un testigo excepcional que va a desenmascarar con pruebas irrefutables, la verdadera personalidad del Tte. Coronel Roberto Hernández Caballero, el esbirro castrista que ha sido uno de los testigos estrellas traidos desde La Habana, para engañar al jurado, aleccionado por el aparato de la Inteligencia castrista, para mentir descaradamente y tratar de hundir a Posada.
Después de una paciente espera, ha llegado la hora; y al fin, podemos hoy ya lanzar esta primicia. Estén atentos a la vista de mañana, que promete ser excepcional y pudiera ser la audiencia que logre el cambio pivotal, que demuestre como la tiranía ha burlado a la fiscalía y al gobierno norteamericano
Obama’s War in Libya is Illegal and Unconstitutional
By Cliff Kincaid March 20, 2011
He has decided to wage this war on his own with the authorization of the United Nations, not the U.S. Congress.
On CNN’s “Reliable Sources” show on Sunday, host Howard Kurtz asked, “One major question about the assault on Libya, what happened to the media’s skepticism?” He’s right, but his comparison to the war in Iraq was wrong. The correct parallel is President Bill Clinton’s illegal and unconstitutional military intervention in the civil war in Kosovo, then a province of Serbia. Serbia, like Libya today, did not present a threat to the U.S., but in both cases Democratic presidents went to war with those nations anyway, in order to strengthen international organizations.
What the media are missing is the fact that Obama’s war on Libya has no basis in law or the U.S. Constitution. He has decided to wage this war on his own with the authorization of the United Nations, not the U.S. Congress.
The conservative Washington Times has it right. In an editorial headlined, “Obama’s illegal war. Congress, not the U.N., should authorize force against Libya,” the paper said, “Removing Moammar Gadhafi from power would probably advance the cause of freedom, but the United Nations has no legal authority to take a step of this magnitude. By bowing to the will of the U.N. Security Council, President Obama is diluting the sovereign power of the United States.”
It’s true that President Reagan attacked Libya in 1986. But that was retaliation in self-defense, which is always reserved for the Commander-in-Chief, after evidence showed that the Gaddafi regime had attacked and killed Americans in Germany through a terrorist bombing.
“Today,” Obama said on March 19, “I authorized the Armed Forces of the United States to begin a limited military action in Libya in support of an international effort to protect Libyan civilians. That action has now begun. In this effort, the United States is acting with a broad coalition that is committed to enforcing United Nations Security Council Resolution 1973, which calls for the protection of the Libyan people.”
Obama said, “I’ve acted after consulting with my national security team, and Republican and Democratic leaders of Congress. And in the coming hours and days, my administration will keep the American people fully informed. But make no mistake: Today we are part of a broad coalition. We are answering the calls of a threatened people. And we are acting in the interests of the United States and the world.”
The President has no such “authorization” from Congress and consultation with Congress is not sufficient under the Constitution.
This announcement followed a February 25 executive order declaring Libya “an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States,” which is ludicrous on its face. Obama then declared “a national emergency to deal with that threat.”
All of this happened without any critical comment from the media. Indeed, the media called for Obama and the “international community” to do something.
Even a prominent media watchdog like Howard Kurtz, while criticizing the media for not asking the right questions, asks the wrong questions and comes to the wrong conclusions.
On CNN, Howard Kurtz said, “U.S. warplanes hitting targets in Libya for a second day today. And I have to say this at the outset—the media get excited by war, the journalistic adrenaline starts pumping as we talk about warships and warplanes and cruise missiles, and we put up the maps and we have the retired generals on. And sometimes something is lost in that initial excitement.”
But then he went on a tangent: “It reminds me of eight years ago this very weekend, when Shock and Awe was rained down upon Baghdad and the media utterly failed to ask skeptical questions.”
The difference is that Congress authorized the invasion of Iraq after a debate. Congress has not authorized the war on Libya.
Strangely, House Speaker John Boehner does not seem to recognize how his constitutional authority and the sovereignty of the United States are being undermined.
In a statement, he said, “The United States has a moral obligation to stand with those who seek freedom from oppression and self-government for their people. It’s unacceptable and outrageous for Qadhafi to attack his own people, and the violence must stop. The President is the commander-in-chief, but the Administration has a responsibility to define for the American people, the Congress, and our troops what the mission in Libya is, better explain what America’s role is in achieving that mission, and make clear how it will be accomplished. Before any further military commitments are made, the Administration must do a better job of communicating to the American people and to Congress about our mission in Libya and how it will be achieved.”
To repeat: simply being the commander-in-Chief does not allow the President to wage an offensive war on a country that does not threaten the United States.
We at AIM were similarly critical of the media for failing to raise these issues when Clinton went to war in Kosovo. That case was even worse than Libya because the U.N. did not authorize the military intervention there. Clinton used NATO rather than the U.N. But NATO, which came into being through a treaty as a defensive military force, had been illegally transformed without the benefit of a treaty into an offensive military force.
To make matters worse, Clinton intervened on behalf of the Muslim terrorists in the Kosovo Liberation Army against the Christian Serbs. The result was creation of a Muslim state, Kosovo, in the heart of Europe.
Obama’s agenda in Libya is the enforcement of the U.N.’s so-called “Responsibility to Protect” doctrine, whereby nations work through the U.N. to intervene in the internal affairs of member states. The “Responsibility to Protect” was mostly the work of the World Federalist Movement, a group dedicated to world government by strengthening the United Nations system.
U.N. Security Council Resolution 1973 on Libya calls for a no-fly zone and reiterates a “Responsibility to Protect” through explicit language on the “protection of civilians” against the regime.
U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon called the resolution “historic,” which is correct, and noted that it “affirms, clearly and unequivocally, the international community’s determination to fulfill its responsibility to protect civilians from violence perpetrated upon them by their own government.”
It sounds like a New World Order.
Cliff Kincaid is the Director of the AIM Center for Investigative Journalism and can be contacted at cliff.kincaid@aim.org.
Obama: ?Un posible peligro?
No hay duda alguna que los acontecimientos en Libia tiene preocupados a muchos dictadores y periodistas zurdos. En el caso de Cuba el dictador en cama tiembla de espanto ante la pesadilla que puede ocasionarle el derrocamiento de Kadafi y su aparato represivo y es que el viejo dictador se da cuenta que en cuestiones de politica, Estados Unidos es mas decisivo cuando su presidente busca incrementar su popularidad deteriorada en vista de un segundo termino que cada dia se le hace mas lejano y dificil. Y nadie se confunda, Obama goza hoy del mas bajo indice de popularidad en medio de su presidencia con el Indice de Aprobacion en los 15 puntos.
Mientras Obama reacciona ante la opinion publica del electorado en mira a un segundo mandato que cada dia se le hace mas dificil, sus decisiones se hacen mas imprevisibles y confusas. Cada vez se ve mas cercado y aislado de su base en la izquierda radical. La lucha por encontrar un centro en su politica de extremos lo ha llevado a tomar decisiones que muchos creen, entre ellos Fidel Castro, pueden convertir a un "amigo activo" en un enemigo desactivado y reacio, tan es asi que hasta el movimiento sindicalista, al cual Obama se debia, segun sus propias palabras, se ha quedado aislado de su presidencia que cada dia debe maniobrar por un tortuoso camino de encuestas y demandas populares.
Los esbirros de los Castros en la media reconocen el dilema y olfatean el peligro que corre los mandamas de Cuba en esta almalgama de revoluciones populares que recorre el mundo arabe. Ellos saben que un levantamiento popular, por muy pequeno que sea, puede dar al traste con la dictadura que ellos tan servilmente sirven. Y es que en medio de un recall, con nuevos candidatos locales, estatales y federales, dispuestos a confrontar a Obama y al regimen de la Habana en los "intercambios culturales" los inquietan. Ya apenas se siente la euforia del obamismo en las paginas del Herald y en las ondas hersianas de los "democratas" en Miami. Los cubasofilos del patio, quienes dependen del statuo quo para devengar sus miseros salarios que apenas les alcanzan para pagar sus deudas, saben muy bien que una manifestacion en las calles de la Habana pudiera dar al traste con el regimen si Obama sigue detras en las encuestas y forzado a tomar represalia si los Castros deciden hacer lo mismo que Kadafi. El despota lo sabe. Lo saben sus esbirros. pero lo ignora el pueblo amanuense.
Los hermanisimos en jefe saben que ni una sola bala en contra del pueblo sera ignorada, no porque Obama quiera, sino porque no le permitiran quererlo. Un presidente degastado como Obama es demasiado peligroso para la Cuba de los Castros. Solamente falta que el pueblo lo sepa
Y es que Obama parece ser mas peligroso para el regimen que el exilio, aunque ambos esten dispuesto a financiar el dolor de un pueblo en nombre de ese mismo pueblo. No hay nada mas temeroso para el despota de Cuba que un presidente Obama desesperado por recobrar la popularidad que ha perdido. Obama ha demostrado que su unica lealtad son los numeros que arrojan las encuestas y ojala, el cubano de intramuros lo sepa aprovechar. Tal vez los blogueros de Cuba puedan entenderlo, aunque lo dudo.
La Iglesia cubana lo sabe tambien.
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Ex presos cubanos en España temen que el régimen aproveche la coyuntura mundial y encarcele a más opositores
Los ex presos políticos exiliados en España han expresado su temor por la suerte que puedan tener sus compañeros en la isla --especialmente los opositores recientemente excarcelados-- pues no descartan que el régimen castrista "aproveche la situación internacional" y encarcele a más opositores.
Un grupo de diez opositores detenidos durante la Primavera Negra de 2003 que se han negado a viajar a España han sido excarcelados recientemente mediante una licencia extrapenal, sin que se les haya exculpado de los delitos por los que fueron condenados.
El ex prisionero Normando Hernández ha explicado que, según las leyes cubanas, la licencia extrapenal solo permite estar fuera de prisión "máximo dos años". "Esto representa un riesgo porque nuestros compañeros viven con una espada de Damocles en su cabeza, ya que pueden ser encarcelados en cualquier momento", ha lamentado en declaraciones a Europa Press.
"El Gobierno cubano tiene todo institucionalizado para que cuando una persona le molesta la pueda meter en prisión, hacerla desaparecer", ha alertado Hernández, quien considera que ocho años después de la Primavera Negra la situación en la isla "va de mal en peor" porque "hoy en día hay más detenciones que el año pasado".
Hernández, un periodista independiente sentenciado en 2003 a 25 años de prisión, cree que "no solamente" los opositores liberados corren el riesgo de ser arrestados, "sino todas las personas dentro de Cuba" que "viven en la desesperación, en un ordenamiento jurídico violatorio".
Grupos de oposición y activistas de Derechos Humanos en la isla ha denunciado la detención de varios disidentes este viernes, cuando se cumplen ocho años de la llamada Primavera Negra de 2003. Al menos 20 de los detenidos son mujeres que integran las Damas de Blanco, organización creada por esposas de los presos políticos.
Un grupo de 21 ex prisioneros de conciencia exiliados en España ha enviado este viernes una carta a la Alta Representante para la Política Exterior y Seguridad Común de la UE, Catherine Ashton, con ocho anexos "en los que se demuestra que en Cuba existe un ordenamiento jurídico completamente aberrante y violatorio de los derechos fundamentales de los seres humanos", ha explicado Hernández.
El ex prisionero Fabio Prieto considera que la suerte de sus compañeros en la isla "dependerá de su actividad a partir de ahora y de la coyuntura internacional", pues recuerda que todos ellos fueron detenidos en 2003 "aprovechando que la opinión pública estaba pendiente de la invasión de Estados Unidos a Irak y eso ayudó a minimizar el escándalo".
"Pero si se le da otra oportunidad al régimen como esa, que es parecida a la que se vive ahora con Libia, entonces puede volver a encerrar a los que hoy ha excarcelado aprovechando que la atención del mundo está en esos países", ha advertido Prieto en declaraciones a Europa Press.
Prieto y Hernández forman parte del grupo de 52 presos políticos que el Gobierno de Raúl Castro se comprometió a excarcelar el pasado julio tras un histórico acuerdo con la Iglesia Católica, que contó con la mediación de España.
Un total de 50 prisioneros de conciencia han sido excarcelados, de los cuales 40 han viajado a España, mientras que los diez restantes decidieron quedarse en la isla. Actualmente, continúan encarcelados José Daniel Ferrer y Félix Navarro.
Friday, March 18, 2011
EE.UU exige a Polonia devoluciones de propiedades a Judios
La controversia se refiere a las devoluciones de las propiedades requisadas durante la ocupación alemana y la dictadura comunista a los ciudadanos polacos, entre ellos muchos propietarios judíos, ya que Polonia contaba con algo más de tres millones de judíos en 1939.
Desde la caída del comunismo el Gobierno polaco ha realizado múltiples devoluciones, aunque aún existen unas 90.000 peticiones pendientes de respuesta.
El primer ministro de Polonia, Donald Tusk, se comprometió en 2008 a impulsar las devoluciones, aunque días atrás paralizó el proyecto, reconociendo que la Hacienda polaca "no puede permitirse el lujo de ejecutar esas devoluciones debido a la situación de crisis financiera mundial".
La decisión de Tusk fue ayer criticada por Washington, que expresó su "decepción" ante la negativa de Varsovia a continuar un proceso para poner fin a las confiscaciones realizadas por el comunismo a partir de 1945.
"Si Estados Unidos hubiera querido hacer algo por los judíos polacos, un buen momento para ello habría sido los años 1943 y 1944, cuando la mayoría de ellos aún vivían en Polonia", señaló el ministro polaco en declaraciones a la radio pública de su país.
"Ahora, esta intervención de apoyo llega con retraso", añadió.
Entre 1943 y 1944 cientos de miles de judíos polacos fueron deportados desde los guetos hasta los numerosos campos de concentración, donde las autoridades nazis procedieron a su exterminio masivo.
Se calcula que seis millones de polacos perdieron la vida durante la II Guerra Mundial; de ellos aproximadamente la mitad eran judíos, lo que significa que alrededor del 90 por ciento de la población judía de Polonia antes de la contienda fue asesinada. EFE
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
El salario de George Washington (Ingles)

To the foregoing observations I have one to add, which will be most properly addressed to the House of Representatives. It concerns myself, and will therefore be as brief as possible. When I was first honored with a call into the service of my country, then on the eve of an arduous struggle for its liberties, the light in which I contemplated my duty required that I should renounce every pecuniary compensation. From this resolution I have in no instance departed; and being still under the impressions which produced it, I must decline as inapplicable to myself any share in the personal emoluments which may be indispensably included in a permanent provision for the executive department, and must accordingly pray that the pecuniary estimates for the station in which I am placed may during my continuance in it be limited to such actual expenditures as the public good may be thought to require.Washington’s statement renewed a debate that dated back at least to ancient Athens, where Pericles introduced payment for the Council of 500 and jury service in about 450 B.C. In the American context, however, the arguments also assumed a constitutional dimension. Article II, Section 1, Clause 7 specifically addressed the issue of presidential compensation:
The President shall, at stated Times, receive for his Services, a Compensation, which shall neither be encreased nor diminished during the Period for which he shall have been elected, and he shall not receive within that Period any other Emolument from the United States, or any of them.When the House began debate on a salary bill, Rep. John Page of Virginia said flatly, “[T]he constitution requires that he [the president] shall receive a compensation, and it is our duty to provide it.”This position had substantial merit. The language of the clause included the mandatory “shall.” Moreover, as the late David Currie observed, other considerations pointed in the same direction:
If the constitutional premise was that financial independence was a crucial barrier to corruption, an officer who impoverished himself by declining his wages endangered the public interest. Moreover, if Washington was right that he need not accept this money, there would always be a risk that the President’s waiver was not truly voluntary; reading the Constitution to mean what it said would obviate the need for inquiry on this unpromising score.This position ultimately prevailed. The Act passed by Congress granted the president an annual salary, and President Washington agreed to accept it.At the same time, there was also a debate concerned the form of the president’s compensation. The House committee appointed to consider the issue apparently proposed a fixed salary of $20,000 plus an allowance for specified expenses, such as house rent, furniture, plate, horses, carriage and salaries for secretaries and clerks.However, when the matter came up for debate before the House, a number of members expressed constitutional concerns. Some suggested that the allowance might be a forbidden “emolument,” and/or that it would undercut the independence of the Executive, because the president would have to justify, and Congress would have to pass on, each request to draw on the allowance:
Mr. LAWRENCE [sic, John Laurance of New York] . . . [stated that] it ought to be granted as one sum, because he is to receive no other emolument whatever from the United States . . . . but I have no objection to blend these sums together, declaring the whole to be the compensation required by the constitution . . ..Mr. [Roger] SHERMAN [of Connecticut] thought it much better to give a net sum, because the President would then have no accounts to settle with the United States.Mr. [Theodore] SEDGWICK [of Massachusetts] considered this a constitutional question, and therefore thought it deserved serious investigation. The provision made in the report, for paying the expenses of enumerated articles, does not leave the President in the situation intended by the constitution, which was, that he should be independent of the Legislature, during his continuance in office; that he should have a compensation for his services, not to be increased or diminished during that period; but there is nothing that will prevent us from making further allowances, provided that the twenty thousand dollars is all that is given as a compensation. From these considerations, he was led to believe that the report was founded on unconstitutional principles.Others – including James Madison – disagreed:
Mr. MADISON did not think the report interfered with either the spirit or letter of the constitution, and therefore was opposed to any alteration, especially with respect to the property of a fixed nature. He was sure, if the furniture and plate, and house rent, could be allowed, some of the other articles might also. The horses and carriages will cost money, and sell for little, after being used for four years; this will be a certain loss to the President, or his family . . ..In the end, however, the House decided to avoid the difficult issue by eliminating the allowance provision. It then voted to increase the fixed salary from $20,000 to $25,000. The statute was finally enacted on September 24, 1789 – almost five months after Washington took office – and provided fixed salaries for both the president and vice president:
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That there shall be allowed to the President of the United States, at the rate of twenty-five thousand dollars, with the use of the furniture and other effects, now in his possession, belonging to the United States; and to the Vice President, at the rate of five thousand dollars per annum, in full compensation for their respective services, to commence with the time of their entering on the duties of their offices respectively, and to continue so long as they shall remain in office, and to be paid quarterly out of the treasury of the United States.
EE.UU congela $32 mil millones del gobierno de Libia.
WASHINGTON – The U.S. Department of the Treasury took additional steps today to increase pressure on Muammar Qadhafi and the Government of Libya by designating nine individuals pursuant to Executive Order (E.O.) 13566. Those designated today include senior officials of the Government of Libya, as well as the wife and several of the children of Muammar Qadhafi.
President Obama signed E.O. 13566 on February 25, 2011, freezing the assets of the Qadhafi regime following its use of violence against civilians and human rights abuses in Libya and safeguarding the assets of the people of Libya from expropriation by Qadhafi. To date, the United States has frozen more than $32 billion in Government of Libya assets. As a result of today’s action, any assets of the designees subject to U.S. jurisdiction are frozen, and U.S. persons are prohibited from engaging in business with them.
Lea el resto
Monday, March 14, 2011
Los Talibanes de Barcelona: Retiran la estatua de la Victoria

Retiran la estatua de la Victoria
Por Eduardo Palomar Baró.
El domingo 30 de enero del corriente año, cuatro días después de conmemorarse el 72 aniversario de la triunfal entrada en la Ciudad Condal del victorioso Ejército Nacional, con el abrumador recibimiento de los barceloneses plenos de júbilo y agradecimiento, abrazando a las tropas liberadoras con emoción y alegría indescriptible, fue desmontada del obelisco situado en el cruce del Paseo de Gracia con la Avenida Diagonal la figura artística del eminente escultor Federico Marés, que simbolizaba la Victoria.
El “excelentísimo” alcalde Jordi Hereu, perteneciente al grupo iconoclasta, especialista en las defenestraciones y vandálicas destrucciones de todo simbolismo artístico ciudadano que pueda recordar al antiguo Régimen y cuya sola mención del anterior Jefe del Estado, les acelera su tránsito intestinal disparándose a la vez el ritmo cardíaco.
El abogado laboralista y periodista Fernando Vizcaíno Casas, en su genial libro “…Y al tercer año resucitó” (Planeta, Colección Fábula) en una sugestiva parodia demuestra palpablemente la cobardía de estos pseudo demócratas, que con su talante frentepopulista se han adueñado arteramente de la nación española, con patente de corso para obrar a su antojo sin contar con la opinión de los ciudadanos. A esos únicamente recurren a la hora de las elecciones…
El personaje Jordi Hereu tiene una predisposición al despilfarro público con el dinero del contribuyente, como felicitaciones navideñas, publicaciones de auto bombo y autocomplacencia personal y municipal, impuestos onerosos para posterior malversación, etc.
De forma delirante quiso reformar la Diagonal, intentando destruir una de las avenidas más bellas de España, con una consulta que fue un estrepitoso fracaso, votando un diez por ciento de ciudadanos, con el resultado negativo. El coste fue de varios millones de euros. Sólo por este motivo, en un país civilizado, lo habrían cesado fulminantemente.
Una verdadera vergüenza y afrenta ha sido la desmontada escultura mencionada, arropada por provectos resentidos, portadores de banderas tricolores (¿serán constitucionales?) y profiriendo gritos e insultos al pasado, ante la pasividad de los transeúntes y la protección de la Fuerza Pública.
Lamentable, bochornoso, incomprensible para el español de bien que desea la paz y la concordia, y no los revanchismos bajo la tutela de esa inaudita Memoria Histórica (Histérica).
Barcelona con esos energúmenos iconoclastas se esta convirtiendo en adalid de atentados arquitectónicos y esculturales, como si con estas insensatas medidas fueran a ganar la guerra que perdieron por su inoperancia, por sus revoluciones interiores, asesinatos, el terror, el vandalismo, la falta de orden, disciplina y mando que debe prevalecer en un ejército, libertinaje, anarquismo, etc. etc. A fin de cuentas no hicieron la preconizada revolución, ni ganaron, a Dios gracias, la guerra.
La Historia es la Historia, y aunque se empeñen con esas actuaciones propias de talibanes, no lograrán cambiarla.
Más artículos del mismo autor.
Versión imprimible.
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Friday, March 11, 2011
Asi piensa este laico del exilio.

Espacio Laical 1/2011 54
Obama acorta las distancias con Cuba
en 1992 en el Instituto Superior de Relaciones Internacionales Raúl Roa (la
academia diplomática cubana), López-Levy se fue de la isla en 2001. En Estados
Unidos ha sido becario del Diálogo Interamericano y del Centro Carter. Es de
religión judía, se define como socialdemócrata y prepara el doctorado en Denver.
Ganador del concurso anual de ensayo de la no gubernamental Academia
Diplomática de Estados Unidos, en 2005, López-Levy fue uno de los ponentes en la
Semana Social Católica, que concluyó el sábado pasado.Biografia extraida del Blog El Yuma
La Casa Blanca ha dado un pasohistórico al expandir los permisosde viajes a Cuba, destino vedado alos estadounidenses, y el envío de remesas.No sólo restaura los niveles decontacto pueblo a pueblo que existíandurante el gobierno de Bill Clinton:también potencia la apertura económicaque ha iniciado Raúl Castro. El presidenteBarack Obama merece reconocimientopor su decisión, no por tardíamenos laudable, de ampliar las visitasa la Isla con propósito no turístico.Con vuelos fletados desde más ciudadesque las autorizadas hoy (Miami,Nueva York y Los Angeles), en especialsi se incluyeran San Juan (PuertoRico) y puntos interiores del Estado dela Florida, será de esperar que el númerode norteamericanos que visite Cubase duplique. Y pocos hechos provocanimpactos más profundos, aunque nosalgan en los medios, que el contactodirecto entre personas.El intercambio académico entreambos lados del Estrecho de Floridase relanza en una hora estratégica: elmomento de las transformaciones económicasen Cuba, que conllevan recordsde despidos y la multiplicaciónde permisos para la pequeña empresaprivada. Muchas de las recientes reformasfueron discutidas por décadasen el ámbito local de ideas; mayorescontactos con los intelectuales cubanosabrirán puertas importantes a otros debatesen la Isla y, de ese modo, influiránen los mecanismos de decisión delgobierno.La liberación del envío de remesashasta 500 dólares por trimestre puedeser un paliativo sustancial para los cubanosque tratan de abrir nuevos negociosante los despidos y la apertura ala pequeña y mediana propiedad. Tanpronto se restauren los contactos entrelas universidades cubanas y los más de500 centros de altos estudios norteamericanos(vínculos que ya existían en laépoca de Clinton), se podrá esperarque La Habana adopte recíprocamentepolíticas más abiertas, como permitirque los estudiantes cubanos puedancursar sin limitaciones estudios de gradoy postgrado en Estados Unidos.Aunque no debe verse como un juegode “tit por tat”, la medida es tambiénun incentivo para que Cuba comiencea poner sus propias normas de viaje encoherencia con los estándares internacionalesde libertad de movimiento. Esfundamental que elimine el permiso desalida, repudiado más dentro que fueradel país. En segundo término: que reduzcalos costos abusivos del pasaportepara los casi dos millones de cubanosque residen en el exterior. Tales cambiostendrían un efecto positivo externoaun cuando deben ocurrir porque sonuna demanda popular, no una imposiciónexterna.La flexibilización de los viajes sirvetambién al interés nacional de EstadosUnidos en América Latina y elCaribe, donde tendrá una acogida positiva,y responde a la agenda, internacionaly cubana, de derechos humanos.Todas las comunidades religiosas(incluyendo la activa Iglesia Católica,que juega un papel primordial en laliberación de presos políticos) han pedidopor décadas que se habiliten losviajes a la Isla para incrementar elcontacto entre hermanos en la fe. Lamayoría de los miembros de la oposiciónpolítica cubana ha reiterado surespaldo a este gesto de apertura.La acción de la Casa Blanca tambiénabre posibilidades para debatirla detención del norteamericano AlanGross. El departamento de Estado y ladiplomacia cubana podrán conversarsobre el tema en un ambiente menostirante que el promovido, desde el enclavede Miami, por la derecha políticainteresada en convertir al subcontratistade la United States Agency for InternationalDevelopment (USAID) en unmuro insalvable para cualquier mejoríade la relación Cuba-Estados Unidos.La liberación de Gross y el fin de losprogramas en los que estuvo envueltocerrarían el proyecto de “cambio derégimen” disfrazado por la administraciónBush de promoción de la sociedadcivil.La movida de Obama también esinteligente en política interior. Al concedermás licencias para visitas organizadaspor grupos académicos, religiososy culturales, el Presidente crea uncírculo virtuoso de viajeros que ayudena las reformas en Cuba y regresen a EstadosUnidos -como ha sucedido hastaahora en la mayoría de los casos- conposiciones activas a favor de la libertadde viajar.La nueva política tiene importanteslimitaciones. No termina con el contraproducente,ilegal e inmoral embargocontra Cuba y continúa un proceso deotorgamiento de licencias para líderesreligiosos, académicos, personalidadesculturales, estudiantes, periodistas yprofesores. ¿Por qué no permitir simplementea cada educador, estudiante,académico, artista o líder religioso viajara Cuba de la misma manera que hacenlos cubano-americanos con familiaen Cuba hoy?Sin embargo, esta apertura es potencialmenteel inicio de un deshielo enla relación bilateral. La importancia finalde estas medidas se medirá no porel número de intercambios que ocurranel próximo año o el siguiente, sino porla capacidad de los gobiernos de Cubay Estados Unidos para sostener un procesode comunicación y diálogo quemaneje constructivamente estas nuevasrelaciones.Obama ha dado un paso difícil:impidió que los conservadores cubanoamericanos,quienes se oponen a la preferenciapresidencial por el diálogo y elintercambio, dicten la agenda bilateral.El exilio histórico no se lo perdonará,no importa cuál sea la magnitud de laapertura. Al barullo de estos grupos,Obama debería contestar con una discusiónracional dentro de la comunidadcubano-americana, movilizando a lasnuevas generaciones nacidas dentro dela cultura estadounidense de pragmatismoy tolerancia y a las más recientesolas de inmigrantes llegadas en los últimostreinta años, con vínculos familiaresy sociales en la Isla.
Y la historia se repite.

General VoNguyen Giap.
General Giap was a brilliant, highly respected leader
of the North Vietnam military. The following quote
is from his memoirs currently found in the
Vietnam war memorial in Hanoi :
'What we still don't understand is why you Americans
stopped the bombing of Hanoi . You had us on the
ropes. If you had pressed us a little harder,
just for another day or two, we were ready
to surrender! It was the same at the
battle of TET. You defeated us!
We knew it, and we thought
you knew it.
But we were elated to notice your media was
helping us. They were causing more disruption in
America than we could in the battlefields. We
were ready to surrender. You had won!'
General Giap has published his memoirs and confirmed
what most Americans knew. The Vietnam war was not
lost in Vietnam -- it was lost at home. The
same slippery slope, sponsored by the US media,
is currently underway. It exposes the
enormous power of a Biased Media to
cut out the heart and will of
the American public.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Operación surf
Foto de una casa de la CIA en Cuba.

Monday, March 7, 2011
Saladrigas acaba de visitar a Cuba y reunirse con la Iglesia y oficiales del MINREX

En una de sus "reflexiones", el despota de Biran se refirio a Saladrigas parafraseando sus declaraciones:
?Quien quiere entrar al basurero?
"Una de las voces más autorizadas del exilio cubano, el empresario Carlos Saladrigas, confía en que la dimisión de Fidel Castro puede ser ‘la puerta que abre definitivamente al cambio’ y pide a la comunidad cubana de Miami y al Gobierno de Estados Unidos que actúen con ‘prudencia’ y con ‘voluntad conciliadora’, con el fin de no desaprovechar esta oportunidad...."
"En Florida vive un millón de cubanos con recursos suficientes como para revitalizar la maquinaria económica de la isla en muy poco tiempo si se dan las condiciones adecuadas, que deben de ser creadas tanto por Estados Unidos como por Cuba. El primero, levantando las restricciones a los ciudadanos norteamericanos para invertir en la isla, y el segundo, legalizando la propiedad privada y la actividad económica extranjera. "
?Se han dado las condiciones de las que hablaba Saladrigas?
Saladrigas acaba de visitar a Cuba y reunirse con la Iglesia y oficiales del MINREX.
Ferries, vuelos de todas partes, remesas, compra de propiedades...etc, etc.
Y la prensa muda.
Friday, March 4, 2011
Cronologia breve de un comunista venezolano
Freddy Subdiaga. Miembro del Comité Central del PCV. La Ceiba, 1 / Marzo / 2011
80 años de constancia y firmeza Revolucionaria Marxista-Leninista.
Desde 1923, la III Internacional le asigna al camarada Aurelio Fortoul, la misión de iniciar las actividades patrióticas y revolucionarias de las y los comunistas venezolanos y, para efectuarlas se contaba con un grupo revolucionario bajo la dirección colectiva de los camaradas Salvador de la Plaza, Pio Tamayo, Gustavo y Eduardo Machado, Ricardo Martínez, entre otros. Que sucesivamente, tres años después forman diferentes organizaciones revolucionarias como el Partido Revolucionario Venezolano (PRV) con la finalidad de desarrollar el plan revolucionario comunista, que debía construir las bases para establecer la soberanía democrática revolucionaria de los obreros y campesinos; enfrentando y combatiendo la dictadura tiránica de Juan Vicente Gómez; además de lidiar y confrontar el escamoteo, tergiversación y encubrimiento del proceso dialéctico e histórico de la filosofía marxista-leninista por pseudo revolucionarios con el adjetivo de comunistas, para tratar de impedir que las masas trabajadoras oprimidas tanto, del campo como de la ciudad, tuviesen la posibilidad de llegar por sí mismas a la toma del poder político, y, transformar revolucionariamente la sociedad venezolana feudal con la perspectivas de dar al traste con el modelo capitalista que venía ganado adeptos en la oligarquía criolla latifundista.
Al transcurrir el tiempo, superando toda una serie de dificultades, propias de la lucha de clases los camaradas avanzan, y, separados ya del PRV, como la fracción comunista que formaban parte de la Internacional Sindical Roja. En 1928 deciden cumplir con la tarea de organizar el Partido Comunista de Venezuela, bajo la dirección del Buró del Caribe, que dirigían principalmente Salvador de la Plaza, Gustavo Machado, Pio Tamayo, entre otros; quienes ya habían militado en otros Partidos Comunistas de otros países de Latinoamérica y el Caribe. A inicios de 1930, José Pio Tamayo junto a Josefina Juliac y otras mujeres fundaron un Centro de Estudios Comunistas en Caracas, en junio de ese mismo año se continúa la tarea ideológica constituyéndose círculos de estudios comunistas y en noviembre Raúl Osorio con 13 estudiantes forman un grupo denominado pomposamente Partido Comunista Venezolano. Posteriormente ya para 1931, el 5 de marzo se concreta la Fundación del Partido Comunista de Venezuela, asumiendo el perfil propio del destacamento organizado de la clase obrera y el campesinado. A partir de esta fecha se prosigue el trabajo incansable e inclaudicable con los mejores hijos e hijas de la clase más revolucionaria, la clase obrera, con el objetivo de hacer realidad el plan revolucionario comunista, que no es otro, que el de orientar y marchar ligados a las trabajadoras y trabajadores, para que se logre el rol histórico de la toma del poder político e instaurar la Soberanía del Proletariado.
Si bien es cierto, que todo este transitar de las y los comunistas de la sociedad venezolana, no ha sido fácil, en vista que se ha tenido que enfrentar, persecución, cárcel, tortura, represión y desaparición; por gobiernos dictatoriales, apátridas, entreguistas, antidemocráticos y anticomunistas (Juan V. Gómez, López Contreras, Marcos P. Jiménez, Rómulo Betancourt, Raúl Leoni, Rafael Caldera; Carlos A. Pérez, Luis H. Campins). Que obedecieron a los intereses más oscuros de la reacción imperial y sus testaferros de la oligarquía criolla, hoy capitalista, cuyos intereses son avaros, rastreros y antihumanos. Obviamente con la dignidad y moral revolucionaria que nos caracteriza se apoyo al gobierno nacionalista y progresista del General Isaías M. Angarita, se contribuyo con el gobierno prodemocrático de Rómulo Gallegos; y en la actualidad estamos consecuentes con el proceso revolucionario bolivariano que encabeza el compatriota y líder Hugo R. Chávez Frías.
Todas estas experiencias demuestran el temple de hombres, mujeres y jóvenes; fogueados al calor de la lucha del pueblo trabajador, que hasta los recientes días han mantenido en alto la Bandera Roja del Martillo y la Hoz, como expresión concentrada del método de estudio e investigación y guía para la acción de la concepción científica de las ideas de emancipación de la clase obrera, plasmadas por Carlos Marx, Federico Engels y Vladimir Ilich Lenin, vinculado al precepto de la Educación Popular y Libertaria de Simón Rodríguez; del Pensamiento Integracionista y Emancipador de Simón Bolívar y las premisas de Tierras y Hombres Libres, Elección Popular y Horror a la Oligarquía del General Ezequiel Zamora.
El legado de la concepción científica Marxista-Leninista, noción materialista de la historia, base ideopolítico-organizativa de toda la militancia del PCV, que contribuye al enriquecimiento de la cultura universal, la ética y moral del ser humano social, creativo y productivo; como pivote central de la clase obrera, que tiene como misión lograr el objetivo de construir la nueva formación socioeconómica, el comunismo científico. Este Objetivo requiere de la praxis revolucionaria mancomunada de las comunistas y los comunistas, pero también del accionar consciente de los trabajadores y trabajadoras, sumando las mejores voluntades de personalidades que coinciden con esta misión histórica de la clase obrera. De aquí la convicción de los hombres, mujeres y jóvenes que militamos, tanto, en el PCV y la JCV, de cumplir y hacer cumplir el ejercicio de la Dirección Colectiva del este proceso revolucionario bolivariano, cuya conducción del mismo debe estar en primera línea nuestra clase obrera organizada y de todo el pueblo trabajador con su líder que conduce la transformación del sistema capitalista hacia el socialismo. Cuyo espació será el gran polo patriótico que debe ser una instancia que vaya más allá de lo meramente electoral.
De toda esta trayectoria es relevante, al reafirmar que estos 80 años de constancia y firmeza Revolucionaria Marxista-Leninista, es la continuidad de esa visión rebelde de acabar con el sistema de la explotación del hombre por el hombre (capitalismo) e instaurar la sociedad justa y equilibrada (COMUNISMO CIENTÍFICO) donde, no exista ni opresor ni oprimido, ni ricos ni pobres; donde el fruto del trabajo social y colectivo satisfagan las principales necesidades materiales y espirituales, y, donde el soñar, crear y amar sea la gran realización del genero humano...
Por tal razón, las y los comunistas venezolanos celebramos estos 80 años, con la evidencia de que Ser COMUNISTA es, una posición humana firme sobre la convicción de la rebeldía consciente y con conocimiento contra este sistema de cosas injustas (capitalismo) que favorece a una minoría y, somete a la miseria y dolor a la inmensa mayoría del pueblo trabajador, mutilándole el principio de la creatividad y productividad del ser humano para su propia emancipación.
Se desborona la "Separacion de la Religion y el Estado"


Following is an article by the curator of a major exhibition at the Library that opens this month and runs through Aug. 22. A key document on view in "Religion and the Founding of the American Republic" (see LC Information Bulletin, May 1998), is the letter from Thomas Jefferson to the Danbury Baptists, which contains the phrase "a wall of separation between church and state." With the help of the FBI, the draft of the letter, including Jefferson's obliterated words, are now known.
Thomas Jefferson's reply on Jan. 1, 1802, to an address from the Danbury (Conn.) Baptist Association, congratulating him upon his election as president, contains a phrase that is as familiar in today's political and judicial circles as the lyrics of a hit tune: "a wall of separation between church and state." This phrase has become well known because it is considered to explain (many would say, distort) the "religion clause" of the First Amendment to the Constitution: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion ...," a clause whose meaning has been the subject of passionate dispute for the past 50 years.
During his lifetime, Jefferson could not have predicted that the language in his Danbury Baptist letter would have endured as long as some of his other arresting phrases. The letter was published in a Massachusetts newspaper a month after Jefferson wrote it and then was more or less forgotten for half a century. It was put back into circulation in an edition of Jefferson's writings, published in 1853, and reprinted in 1868 and 1871.
The Supreme Court turned the spotlight on the "wall of separation" phrase in 1878 by declaring in Reynolds v. United States "that it may be accepted almost as an authoritative declaration of the scope and effect of the [first] amendment."
The high court took the same position in widely publicized decisions in 1947 and 1948, asserting in the latter case, McCollum v. Board of Education, that, "in the words of Jefferson, the clause against establishment of religion by law was intended to erect 'a wall of separation between church and state.'" Since McCollum forbade religious instruction in public schools, it appeared that the court had used Jefferson's "wall" metaphor as a sword to sever religion from public life, a result that was and still is intolerable to many Americans.
Some Supreme Court justices did not like what their colleagues had done. In 1962, Justice Potter Stewart complained that jurisprudence was not "aided by the uncritical invocation of metaphors like the 'wall of separation,' a phrase nowhere to be found in the Constitution." Addressing the issue in 1985, Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist lamented that "unfortunately the Establishment Clause has been expressly freighted with Jefferson's misleading metaphor for nearly 40 years." Defenders of the metaphor responded immediately: "despite its detractors and despite its leaks, cracks and its archways, the wall ranks as one of the mightiest monuments of constitutional government in this nation."
Given the gravity of the issues involved in the debate over the wall metaphor, it is surprising that so little effort has been made to go behind the printed text of the Danbury Baptist letter to unlock its secrets. Jefferson's handwritten draft of the letter is held by the Library's Manuscript Division. Inspection reveals that nearly 30 percent of the draft -- seven of 25 lines -- was deleted by the president prior to publication. Jefferson indicated his deletions by circling several lines and noting in the left margin that they were to be excised. He inked out several words in the circled section and a few words elsewhere in the draft. He also inked out three entire lines following the circled section. Click here to see the text of the final letter.
Since the Library plans to display Jefferson's handwritten draft of the Danbury Baptist letter in its forthcoming exhibition "Religion and the Founding of the American Republic," the question was raised whether modern computer technology could be used to uncover Jefferson's inked-out words, so that the unedited copy of the letter might be shown to viewers alongside Jefferson's corrected draft. The Library requested the assistance of FBI Director Louis Freeh, who generously permitted the FBI Laboratory to apply its state-of-the-art technology to the task of restoring Jefferson's obliterated words. The FBI was successful, with the result that the entire draft of the Danbury Baptist letter is now legible (below). This fully legible copy will be seen in the exhibition in the company of its handwritten, edited companion draft. Click here to see Jefferson's unedited text.
The edited draft of the letter reveals that, far from being dashed off as a "short note of courtesy," as some have called it, Jefferson labored over its composition. For reasons unknown, the address of the Danbury Baptists, dated Oct. 7, 1801, did not reach Jefferson until Dec. 30, 1801. Jefferson drafted his response forthwith and submitted it to the two New England Republican politicians in his Cabinet, Postmaster General Gideon Granger of Connecticut and Attorney General Levi Lincoln of Massachusetts. Granger responded to Jefferson on Dec. 31.
The next day, New Year's Day, was a busy one for the president, who received and entertained various groups of well-wishers, but so eager was he to complete his answer to the Danbury Baptists that, amid the hubbub, he sent his draft to Lincoln with a cover note explaining his reasons for writing it. Lincoln responded immediately; just as quickly, Jefferson edited the draft to conform to Lincoln's suggestions, signed the letter and released it, all on New Year's Day, 1802.
That Jefferson consulted two New England politicians about his messages indicated that he regarded his reply to the Danbury Baptists as a political letter, not as a dispassionate theoretical pronouncement on the relations between government and religion. His letter, he told Lincoln in his New Year's Day note, was meant to gratify public opinion in Republican strongholds like Virginia, "being seasoned to the Southern taste only."
Expressing his views in a reply to a public address also indicated that Jefferson saw himself operating in a political mode, for by 1802 Americans had come to consider replies to addresses, first exploited as political pep talks by John Adams in 1798, as the prime vehicles for the dissemination of partisan views. A few weeks earlier, on Nov. 20, 1801, Jefferson had, in fact, used a reply to an address from the Vermont legislature to signal his intention to redeem a campaign promise by proposing a tax reduction at the beginning of the new session of Congress in December.
In his New Year's note to Lincoln, Jefferson revealed that he hoped to accomplish two things by replying to the Danbury Baptists. One was to issue a "condemnation of the alliance between church and state." This he accomplished in the first, printed, part of the draft. Jefferson's strictures on church-state entanglement were little more than rewarmed phrases and ideas from his Statute Establishing Religious Freedom (1786) and from other, similar statements. To needle his political opponents, Jefferson paraphrased a passage, that "the legitimate powers of government extend to ... acts only" and not to opinions, from the Notes on the State of Virginia, which the Federalists had shamelessly distorted in the election of 1800 in an effort to stigmatize him as an atheist. So politicized had church-state issues become by 1802 that Jefferson told Lincoln that he considered the articulation of his views on the subject, in messages like the Danbury Baptist letter, as ways to fix his supporters' "political tenets."
The page, before and after restoration.
Airing the Republican position on church-state relations was not, however, Jefferson's principal reason for writing the Danbury Baptist letter. He was looking, he told Lincoln, for an opportunity for "saying why I do not proclaim fastings & thanksgivings, as my predecessors did" and latched onto the Danbury address as the best way to broadcast his views on the subject. Although using the Danbury address was "awkward" -- it did not mention fasts and thanksgivings -- Jefferson pressed it into service to counter what he saw as an emerging Federalist plan to exploit the thanksgiving day issue to smear him, once again, as an infidel.
Jefferson's hand was forced by the arrival in the United States in the last week of November 1801 of what the nation's newspapers called the "momentous news" of the conclusion between Britain and France of the Treaty of Amiens, which relieved the young American republic of the danger that had threatened it for years of being drawn into a devastating European war. Washington had proclaimed a national thanksgiving in 1796 to commemorate a much more ambiguous foreign policy achievement, the ratification of Jay's Treaty that attempted to adjust outstanding differences with Great Britain. Would Jefferson, the Federalists archly asked, not imitate the example of his illustrious predecessor and bid the nation to thank God for its delivery from danger by the Treaty of Amiens? The voice of New England Federalism, the Boston Columbian Centinel, cynically challenged Jefferson to act. "It is highly probable," said the Centinel on Nov. 28, 1801, "that on the receipt of the news of Peace in Europe, the President will issue a Proclamation recommending a General Thanksgiving. The measure, it is hoped, will not be denounced by the democrats as unconstitutional, as previous Proclamations have been."
The Centinel and its Federalist readers knew that Jefferson would never issue a Thanksgiving proclamation, for to him and the Republican faithful in the middle and southern states, presidential thanksgivings and fasts were anathema, an egregious example of the Federalists' political exploitation of religion. Federalist preachers had routinely used fast and thanksgiving days to revile Jefferson and his followers, going so far in 1799 as to suggest that a Philadelphia yellow fever epidemic was a divine punishment for Republican godlessness.
During the Adams administration, Republicans organized street demonstrations against presidential fast days, ridiculed them in the newspapers and boycotted them. Since Federalists knew that Jefferson would never proclaim a national thanksgiving to praise God for the Treaty of Amiens, they calculated that they could use his dereliction as evidence of his continuing contempt for Christianity, which had spilled out again, in their view, in his invitation to "Citizen" Thomas Paine to return from France to the United States.
To offer the nation's hospitality to Paine, author of The Age of Reason, the "atheist's bible" to the faithful, was, the Washington Federalist charged on Dec. 8, 1801, an "open and daring insult offered to the Christian religion." Here, for the Federalists, was the same old Jefferson, the same old atheist. Political capital, they concluded, could still be made from sounding the alarm about presidential infidelity.
During the presidential campaign of 1800, Jefferson had suffered in silence the relentless and deeply offensive Federalist charges that he was an atheist. Now he decided to strike back, using the most serviceable weapon at hand, the address of the Danbury Baptists.
Jefferson's counterattack is contained in the circled section of his draft and in the inked-out lines. He declared that he had "refrained from prescribing even those occasional performances of devotion," i.e., thanksgivings and fasts, because they were "religious exercises." This was conventional Republican doctrine that could be found in any number of party newspapers. On March 27, 1799, for example, an "old Ecclesiastic" declared in the Philadelphia Aurora that "Humiliation, Fasting and Prayer are religious acts belonging to the kingdom of Christ" over which the civil magistrate, in the American system, had no authority.
Jefferson took the gloves off when he asserted that the proclamations of thanksgivings and fasts were "practiced indeed by the Executive of another nation as the legal head of its church," i.e., by George III, King of England. By identifying the proclamation of thanksgivings and fasts as "British," Jefferson damned them, for in the Republican lexicon British was a dirty word, a synonym for "Anglomane," "Monocrat," "Tory," terms with which the Republicans had demonized the Federalists for a decade for their alleged plans to reverse the Revolution by reimposing a British-style monarchy on the United States. One of the most obnoxious features of the Federalists' American monarchy, as the Republicans depicted their putative project, was a church established by law, and Jefferson doubtless expected those who read his message to understand that, by supporting "British" fasts and thanksgivings, the Federalists were scheming, as always, to open a door to the introduction of an ecclesiastical tyranny.
In indicting the Federalists for their "Tory" taste for thanksgivings and fasts, Jefferson was playing rough. Thanksgivings and fasts had regularly been celebrated in parts of the country since the first settlements: to sully them with Anglophobic mudslinging, generated by the partisan warfare of his own time, as Jefferson did, was a low blow. But who was being more unfair: Jefferson or his Federalist inquisitors, who continued to calumniate him as an atheist?
The unedited draft of the Danbury Baptist letter makes it clear why Jefferson drafted it: He wanted his political partisans to know that he opposed proclaiming fasts and thanksgivings, not because he was irreligious, but because he refused to continue a British practice that was an offense to republicanism. To emphasize his resolve in this matter, Jefferson inserted two phrases with a clenched-teeth, defiant ring: "wall of eternal separation between church and state" and "the duties of my station, which are merely temporal." These last words -- "merely temporal" -- revealed Jefferson's preoccupation with British practice. Temporal, a strong word meaning secular, was a British appellation for the lay members of the House of Lords, the Lords Temporal, as opposed to the ecclesiastical members, the Lords Spiritual. "Eternal separation" and "merely temporal" -- here was language as plain as Jefferson could make it to assure the Republican faithful that their "religious rights shall never be infringed by any act of mine."
Jefferson knew and seemed to savor the fact that his letter, as originally drafted, would give "great offense" to the New England Federalists. Reviewing the draft on Dec. 31, Postmaster General Granger, the object of unremitting political harassment in Connecticut, cheered Jefferson on, apparently welcoming the "temporary spasms" that he predicted the letter would produce "among the Established Religionists" in his home state. When Levi Lincoln, a cooler head, saw the letter the next day, he immediately perceived that, as written, it could hurt Jefferson politically among the growing number of Republicans in New England. People there, Lincoln warned Jefferson, "have always been in the habit of observing fasts and thanksgivings in performance of proclamations from their respective Executives." To disparage this custom with an "implied censure" by representing it as a tainted, Tory ceremony could be politically disastrous, however well the slur might play south of the Hudson River.
Before and after: Jefferson's letter to the Danbury Baptists contained the famous phrase "a wall of separation between church and state (in the sentence just before the area circled for deletion). The text as recovered by the FBI Laboratory shows that Jefferson first wrote "a wall of eternal separation." In the deleted section Jefferson explained why he refused to proclaim national days of fasting and thanksgiving, as his predecessors, Adams and Washington, had done. In the left margin, next to the deleted section, Jefferson noted that he excised the section to avoid offending "our republican friends in the eastern states" who cherished days of fasting and thanksgiving. Click here to see the unedited text of the letter.
Jefferson heeded Lincoln's advice, with the result that he deleted the entire section about thanksgivings and fasts in the Danbury draft, noting in the left margin that the "paragraph was omitted on the suggestion that it might give uneasiness to some of our republican friends in the eastern states where the proclamation of thanksgivings etc. by their Executives is an antient habit & is respected." Removed in the process of revision was the designation of the president's duties as "merely temporal"; "eternal" was dropped as a modifier of "wall." Jefferson apparently made these changes because he thought the original phrases would sound too antireligious to pious New England ears.
In gutting his draft was Jefferson playing the hypocrite, sacrificing his principles to political expediency, as his Federalist opponents never tired of charging? By no means, for the Danbury Baptist letter was never conceived by Jefferson to be a statement of fundamental principles; it was meant to be a political manifesto, nothing more.
Withholding from the public the rationale for his policy on thanksgivings and fasts did not solve Jefferson's problem, for his refusal to proclaim them would not escape the attention of the Federalists and would create a continuing vulnerability to accusations of irreligion. Jefferson found a solution to this problem even as he wrestled with the wording of the Danbury Baptist letter, a solution in the person of the famous Baptist preacher John Leland, who appeared at the White House on Jan. 1, 1802, to give the president a mammoth, 1,235-pound cheese, produced by Leland's parishioners in Cheshire, Mass.
One of the nation's best known advocates of religious liberty, Leland had accepted an invitation to preach in the House of Representatives on Sunday, Jan. 3, and Jefferson evidently concluded that, if Leland found nothing objectionable about officiating at worship on public property, he could not be criticized for attending a service at which his friend was preaching. Consequently, "contrary to all former practice," Jefferson appeared at church services in the House on Sunday, Jan. 3, two days after recommending in his reply to the Danbury Baptists "a wall of separation between church and state"; during the remainder of his two administrations he attended these services "constantly."
Jefferson's participation in House church services and his granting of permission to various denominations to worship in executive office buildings, where four-hour communion services were held, cannot be discussed here; these activities are fully illustrated in the forthcoming exhibition. What can be said is that going to church solved Jefferson's public relations problems, for he correctly anticipated that his participation in public worship would be reported in newspapers throughout the country. A Philadelphia newspaper, for example, informed its readers on Jan. 23, 1802, that "Mr. Jefferson has been seen at church, and has assisted in singing the hundredth psalm." In presenting Jefferson to the nation as a churchgoer, this publicity offset whatever negative impressions might be created by his refusal to proclaim thanksgiving and fasts and prevented the erosion of his political base in God-fearing areas like New England.
Jefferson's public support for religion appears, however, to have been more than a cynical political gesture. Scholars have recently argued that in the 1790s Jefferson developed a more favorable view of Christianity that led him to endorse the position of his fellow Founders that religion was necessary for the welfare of a republican government, that it was, as Washington proclaimed in his Farewell Address, indispensable for the happiness and prosperity of the people. Jefferson had, in fact, said as much in his First Inaugural Address. His attendance at church services in the House was, then, his way of offering symbolic support for religious faith and for its beneficent role in republican government.
It seems likely that in modifying the draft of the Danbury Baptist letter by eliminating words like "eternal" and "merely temporal," which sounded so uncompromisingly secular, Jefferson was motivated not merely by political considerations but by a realization that these words, written in haste to make a political statement, did not accurately reflect the conviction he had reached by the beginning of 1802 on the role of government in religion. Jefferson would never compromise his views that there were things government could not do in the religious sphere -- legally establish one creed as official truth and support it with its full financial and coercive powers. But by 1802, he seems to have come around to something close to the views of New England Baptist leaders such as Isaac Backus and Caleb Blood, who believed that, provided the state kept within its well-appointed limits, it could provide "friendly aids" to the churches, including putting at their disposal public property that even a stickler like John Leland was comfortable using.
Analyzed with the help of the latest technology, the Danbury Baptist letter has yielded significant new information. Using it to fix the intent of constitutional documents is limited, however, by well established rules of statutory construction: the meaning of a document cannot be determined by what a drafter deleted or by what he did concurrently with the drafting of a document. But it will be of considerable interest in assessing the credibility of the Danbury Baptist letter as a tool of constitutional interpretation to know, as we now do, that it was written as a partisan counterpunch, aimed by Jefferson below the belt at enemies who were tormenting him more than a decade after the First Amendment was composed.
Mr. Hutson is chief of the Manuscript Division.