Monday, June 3, 2013

amenaza Comunista a los Estados Unidos a travez del Caribe.

would prepare and train students to take some scholarships when
offered by other universities. This is a DGI objective.
Mr. Sourwine. What else did Abreu do and say ?
Mr. Castro. I don't know many of the details of his trip but I re-
member he met in Brussels with a leading Communist named Jacques
Mr. Sourwine. Mr. Castro, you are aware that in January of 1968,
the Cultural Congress of Havana took place in Cuba. What was the
part plaved by the Cuban Embassy in Paris with regard to the clear-
ance of the participants ?
Mr. Castro. A few months before the Cultural Congress, Carlos
Franqui, former editor of the newspaper Revolucion, which is no
longer in existence, went to Paris with the mission of making a study
and a selection of the individuals and cities that would be invited to
the Congress.
Mr. Sourwine. How long did Franqui work on these selections?
Mr. Castro. Franqui stayed in Paris for a few weeks and then trav-
eled to other countries working on the careful selection of the guests of
the Congress.
Mr. Sourwine. Did any other member of the Embassy staff work on
these selections ?
Mr. Castro. Yes; in addition to the secretaries who were kept busy
day and night, Ambassador Castellanos and Councilor Hernandez
were very busy and because of the tasks assigned to them by the Minis-
try, both of them were the only ones familiar with the intellectual
scene and knew which were the best prospects, and their opinions on
the matter carried some weight. For instance, if either of the two, while
reviewing the selections by Franqui, found that an intellectual had not
maintained a good position with regard to the latest international
political events, both would discuss it with Franqui in order to reach
a definite agreement as to whether or not the person was to be invited
after their own observation or additional notations on the card.
Mr. Sourwine. Were their selections finally approved by Havana?
Mr. Castro. No; because when they had practically finished com-
piling the list, word was received from Havana that two emissaries
of the party were arriving in Paris to review the invitations.
Mr. Sourwine. Do you happen to know who these two individuals
were ?
Mr. Castro. Yes; LisandroOtero Gonzalez and Maj. Jorge Ser-
guera Rivera.
Mr. Sourwine. What was the reason for the dispatch of Serguera
and Otero to Paris ?
Mr. Castro. Because Castro's police regime does not trust even its
best men. It did not trust Celia Sanchez' close collaborator or Che's
best friend. And thus it sent Serguera and Otero with precise instruc-
tions on supervising the operations regarding the invitations made bv
Franqui and even canceling those they determined were not good.
This was an encounter between wolves, between the cadres of a revo-
lution which claims that men are no longer wolves to other men and
that they are all brothers toiling for the collective good of a revolu-
tion that has never allowed for the law of Saturn to rule. In other
words, to devour its own children.
Mr. Sourwine. In other words, the Communist regime of Cuba has
to use super policemen to check on their policemen ?


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